Thursday, April 5, 2012

How Jack Wins Before 8am


Jack:  I’m HUNGRY!!!!

Dad: I’m sleeping, wait.


Jack: I’m STILL HUNGRY!!!!!!

Dad: Fine, what do you want?

Jack: I don’t know, let’s go check it out (runs into kitchen)

Dad: How about cereal….or oatmeal?

Jack: How about something else?

Dad: Well those are two options, this isn’t a restaurant.

Jack:  I know.  (runs to refrigerator) How about Strawberries?

Dad: Strawberries?  That’s it?

Jack:  Yep

Dad: fine


Jack:  Your eggs smell good.  I’ll have some for lunch.

Dad:  Eggs for lunch?

Jack: Yes.

Dad:  Fine.

Jack: OK, it’s lunchtime.

Dad:  It’s 7:30!

Jack: Time for Lunch!


Jack:  Thanks for the eggs Dad.

Dad:  Whatever.

Jack:  Can I have bread with Jelly?

Dad:  You just ate eggs and strawberries.

Jack:  But I’m hungry.

Dad:  FINE, but that’s your dinner and you can’t eat anything else today!!!

Jack:  Can I have a banana?

Dad:  I’m going back to bed, do whatever you want.


Kevin said...

This is awesome.

Feinsodville said...


Feinsodville said...

That's really hilarious.